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Apple Intelligence 技術合作各家都要搶,Meta 傳與蘋果談判

蘋果宣告進軍 AI 競賽,不僅硬體已具 AI 算力,軟體方面自行開發小型模型,也積極尋求合作夥伴的幫助。在宣布 Siri 整合 ChatGPT 及背後的 GPT-4o 模型後,蘋果與其他夥伴的合作計畫備受關注。《華爾街日報》報導,蘋果和 Facebook 母公司 Meta 正就類似交易進行談判,不過雙方拒絕對此發表任何評論。

蘋果軟體工程資深副總裁 Craig Federighi 曾在 WWDC 活動談到與 OpenAI 合作的看法,「我們想從最好的開始」,他指出 ChatGPT 是現今用戶的最佳選擇,甚至表示蘋果也考慮整合 Google Gemini。

知情人士透露,除了 Google 和 Meta 以外,AI 新創 Anthropic 和 Perplexity 也一直與蘋果討論將其生成式 AI 引進 Apple Intelligence,但目前都未定案。

與 Meta 交易可減少蘋果依賴單一合作夥伴,同時也為 Meta 的生成式 AI 技術提供驗證。《華爾街日報》指出,蘋果不會為合作關係支付費用,相反地,Apple Intelligence 參考 App Store 做法,幫助合作夥伴推動付費訂閱服務,蘋果則可從中抽成。

Meta 在 2023 年 7 月推出大型語言模型 Llama 2,到了 2024 年 4 月發表新一代 Llama 3,先鎖定 AI 助理和外部開發者需求推出兩款規模較小的 Llama 3 8B、Llama 3 70B。Llama 系列在科技產業和新創公司逐漸獲得採用,如果 Meta 能與蘋果達成交易,可視為祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)及 AI 部門的重大勝利。事實上,Meta 和蘋果已有多年的緊張關係,尤其蘋果在 2021 年對 iPhone 導入隱私新制,Meta 宣稱這使公司損失 100 億美元收入,祖克柏也曾多次公開批評蘋果。

值得一提的是,儘管 Apple Intelligence 將在下半導入 iOS 18、iPadOS 18 及 macOS Sequoia 三種作業系統,但蘋果近日表示,受限於數位市場法案(Digital Markets Act,DMA),歐盟不會列入 Apple Intelligence 首波支援地區,另外兩項全新功能 iPhone 鏡像(iPhone Mirroring)和同播共享(SharePlay)暫時不會提供給歐盟用戶。

Apple, Meta Have Discussed an AI Partnership: Report

Apple has announced its foray into the AI race, with not only the hardware having AI capabilities, but also the software side developing small-scale models and actively seeking collaboration with partners. After the announcement of Siri integrating ChatGPT and the underlying GPT-4o model, Apple’s collaboration plans with other partners have attracted much attention. According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple and Meta, the parent company of Facebook, are in talks about a similar deal, but both sides have declined to comment on the matter.

Craig Federighi, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Software Engineering, has previously talked about the company’s collaboration with OpenAI, saying, “We want to start with the best.” He pointed out that ChatGPT is the best choice for users today and even mentioned that Apple is considering integrating Google Gemini.

Insiders have revealed that, in addition to Google and Meta, AI startups Anthropic and Perplexity have also been in discussions with Apple about introducing their generative AI into Apple Intelligence, but nothing has been finalized yet.

A deal with Meta would reduce Apple’s reliance on a single partner and also provide validation for Meta’s generative AI technology. The Wall Street Journal points out that Apple will not pay for the partnership, but instead, Apple Intelligence will follow the App Store’s approach of helping partners promote subscription services and Apple will take a cut from it.

Meta launched the large-scale language model Llama 2 in July 2023 and released the next-generation Llama 3 in April 2024, targeting AI assistants and external developers’ needs with two smaller-scale versions, Llama 3 8B and Llama 3 70B. The Llama series has been gradually adopted in the tech industry and by startups. If Meta can reach a deal with Apple, it would be considered a significant victory for Mark Zuckerberg and the AI division. In fact, Meta and Apple have had a tense relationship for many years, especially after Apple introduced privacy regulations for iPhones in 2021, which Meta claims has cost the company $10 billion in revenue. Zuckerberg has also publicly criticized Apple multiple times.

It is worth mentioning that although Apple Intelligence will be introduced in the second half of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, Apple recently announced that, due to the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the European Union will not be included in the initial support regions for Apple Intelligence. Additionally, two new features, iPhone Mirroring and SharePlay, will not be available to EU users for the time being.

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